become MIndful & Intentional

Struggling to Teach your kids Financial Literacy?

Offering you simple, effective, and low-cost ways to empower your kids with money management skills

You may be thinking, why should I do this?

Can't I just download an app or have them watch videos?
Won't that make them money savvy?

While those resources are handy supplements for teaching financial literacy, it's you, the parents, who play the most starring role in teaching this life skill. Research shows that parents have the most influence on their kid's adult money management behavior, more so than any other education curricula. Put on your financial superhero cape and get ready to save the day!

How can I do this? I don't even know where to start!

Feeling overwhelmed? You're not alone. This uncertainty can lead to doubts about providing the right information and practical experiences or just avoiding the subject altogether!
Don't worry, we've all been there!

What if there was a way to bridge this gap?

Imagine products and services that effortlessly guide you and your child through financial concepts—like having a friendly financial wizard at your side. This well-designed curriculum makes money management, savings, budgeting, and investing both accessible and engaging. I'll show you how to seamlessly incorporate money lessons into your daily life, giving you the tools and confidence needed to teach essential financial skills—no magic wand required!

I’ve been teaching financial literacy in higher education for over 30 years, and I’ve seen firsthand how many young adults don't have a clue about money management.

The first day of class I ask them to raise their hand if they feel like they have a solid foundation in money management. One, MAYBE two hands go up. It’s not their fault—most haven’t been properly taught. In fact, they might have had only a brief 9-week course in high school, if that!

Hmm ... Could there be a connection to why Americans are drowning in over $1 trillion of credit card debt?

I saw a problem, I see the need, and I created a solution

Why am I so passionate about this?

It's unacceptable to me that:

  • Students are maxing out student loans without a clue about the long-term consequences, treating them like a never-ending fountain of free cash. They’re often shocked later when they realize graduation comes with both a diploma and a hefty dose of debt—surprise!

  • Despite all the cash flowing into financial education programs, it’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket—no matter how much you pour in, it never seems to get full. We spend more time teaching kids about quadratic equations than how to manage their money. I mean, sure, polynomials are great, but how often do you use them while budgeting for groceries?

  • It’s also being taught by the wrong people! I can teach anyone and everyone how to manage money—it's simple: don’t spend more than you make. Class dismissed, and everyone gets an A. If it were that easy, why are Americans drowning in credit card debt? Money is way more complex than just crunching numbers. That's why financial education needs to start at home, where you, the parents, instill the values, attitudes, and habits that really shape money management behaviors.

  • We are missing a prime opportunity to make a difference! These skills must be taught, retaught, and reinforced and it should start at a young age. Without guidance, kids may develop unhealthy financial habits, such as overspending, accumulating debt, and neglecting savings.

We are failing our younger generation!

I've witnessed the financial struggles so many people face. Teaching financial literacy at the university level 30+ years, I've directly observed how ill-equipped 18-20 year-olds are in handling money.

Not one student has ever said to me ...

Dang, I wish my parents hadn't wasted so much time teaching me money skills!

But most have said ...

I wish my parents had spent more time teaching me money management skills.

Isn't your child's financial future worth it?

So, What's Holding You Back?

You know you need to consistently teach your kids money skills because your influence on their adult money behaviors is greater than any curricula, podcast, software, or even Dave Ramsey.

But let's be real—teaching money skills can be daunting. Many parents find it easier to talk about the birds and the bees than about dollars and cents with their kids. To support you, I’ve identified common challenges you might face and how I can help you tackle them.

#1: Lack of Knowledge and Personal Insecurities

Solution: I'll boost your financial knowledge, enabling you to learn alongside your child—no need to fake it till you make it.

#2: Busy Lifestyle

Solution: You'll discover strategies to seamlessly integrate financial lessons into your daily routine, like sneaking veggies into their mac and cheese.


#3: Keeping Kids Focused and Engaged

Solution: Kids are naturally interested in money because it helps them get what they want. Plus, I provide engaging activities that you'll both enjoy—think of it as financial fun time!


#4: Complexity of Financial Topics

Solution: I'll simplify complex financial concepts, making them easier for you and your kids to understand. No PhD in economics required..

#5: Lack of Personal Financial Education

Solution: You're not alone in this journey, and there's no need to feel ashamed. Both you and your child can learn from the resources I provide—think of it as a family learning adventure.

#6: Inconsistency in Teaching

Solution: Building a new habit takes time. I’ll send gentle reminders throughout the month to help you stay consistent—like a friendly nudge, not a nag.


#7: Finding Age-Appropriate Resources

Solution: My lessons cater to children from ages 2-18, providing reliable and age-appropriate resources.
No more guessing games.


#8: Personal Financial Habits

Solution: I’ll help you develop more mindful and intentional money management practices—goodbye impulse buys, hello savings!


#9: Fear of Teaching Incorrect Lessons

Solution: I offer a structured, progressive curriculum that builds financial knowledge step-by-step, ensuring your kids understand the bigger financial picture. No more worrying about giving out wrong answers.

#10: Affordability

Solution: All of my tools and resources are either free or low-cost! Saving money while learning about money—it's a win-win.

As a parent, you have the important task of establishing a strong financial foundation for your children. I guarantee that you and your kids will enjoy the activities and lessons. What more do you need to be convinced?

Consequences for NOT Teaching Your Kids

  • Their inability to budget as an adult.

  • Taking on a large amount of debt.

  • Having a poor credit rating.

  • The inability to meet financial obligations.

  • Not having any savings.

  • Being late paying bills.

  • Stress and health issues.

  • Not having an emergency fund.

  • A lower quality of their adult life due to money issues.

Life throws enough curveballs our way, so why let your kids face unnecessary money problems when you can help them dodge those? While this isn’t a magic wand that will make all financial issues disappear (we’re still waiting for that to be invented), it will give them a solid foundation. They’ll learn the right principles from you—it's up to them to use that knowledge to avoid the financial equivalent of stepping in a puddle every day.

Here are some key ISSUES with kids and money

kids have no concept of cash

Faster, easier transactions have led to mindless spending

Because of credit/debit cards and eCommerce, kids often don't grasp the value of currency. With swiping a card, they become more mindless with their spending.

kids aren't learning from the right person

and that's the parents

Despite increased funding for financial education, people still manage to rack up significant debt—proving that even the best curricula can't always keep up with our impulse buys. This lesson must be taught, retaught, and reinforced at home.

money scripts define money skills

money skills
are generational

Evaluating your personal money scripts is crucial—think of it as a financial self-audit. Reflect on your upbringing and how it shapes your money behaviors, because those are the lessons you’re passing on to your kids.

Have you ever wondered what your child's future could look like if they mastered financial literacy from a young age?

By not teaching essential money management skills, you risk missing key opportunities to shape your child's financial independence and success. Imagine the peace of mind knowing your child is prepared to confidently handle financial challenges—like navigating their way out of a mountain of student debt or, even better, not needing to call you for a loan every time they see a sale on the latest gadget!

Picture this: your kid becomes a savvy investor, dodges debt like a pro, and manages their money so well they might even have enough to buy you that vacation home you've always wanted.

Tailored to teach YOU how to teach YOUR kids
about money management

So, you know what you need to do? Start teaching these skills at home. But, how?

I've created 3 simple SOLUTIONS for parents to effectively teach their kids money management skills


This is the most impactful way to teach financial habits to kids: be a role model. Modeling healthy financial behaviors shapes your child's future money management skills. It's crucial to be mindful of the example you set because the old 'do as I say, not as I do' approach just doesn't cut it. And if you make money mistakes, don't sweat it! That’s a perfect teachable moment—just think of it as turning a financial fumble into a learning opportunity. Remember, little eyes are always watching (and taking notes for future negotiation tactics).


You can use intentional instruction and teachable moments to teach your kids money skills in a fun and engaging way through everyday activities, allowances, your real-life mistakes, projects, and activities. Not only are you teaching them about money, but you’re also giving them a front-row seat to the great show of life lessons—complete with a few bloopers and outtakes!


I know, with kids, your schedule is packed tighter than a clown car, but you can definitely fit these money talks into your daily life! Discussing finances will not only give you great insight into what your child is thinking but also make those “Where did all my allowance go?” moments a bit less of a mystery. Plus, it’s a great way to bond—who knew budgeting could be the new family bonding activity?


Anchord Money Products

to teach you how to teach your kids about money management

5 Car Convos for Parents Playing Uber


Money Basics Mini Course

$99; NOW ONLY $17

5 Key Ways to Model Financial Skills


Monthly Subscription

$49.99; NOW ONLY $9.99/month

Budgeting Basics for Grades 6-12

$24.99; NOW ONLY $5


$99; NOW ONLY $47/month

Coming Soon!

Age-Appropriate Curriculum

$149 ; NOW ONLY $19.97 each

Preschool Years (Ages 2-5)

Grades K-3

Grades 4-5

Middle School, Grades 6-8

High School, Grades 9-12


The peace of mind knowing that your child has the
ability to manage money

Linda has a unique talent for breaking down complex concepts

Financial literacy can be intimidating and overwhelming, but Dr. Linda Simpson has a unique talent for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms. Her passion for teaching, along with her mentorship, inspired me to think beyond the textbook and pursue a life-long career as a finance professional. Dr. Simpson’s newest project, Mindful and Intentional Money Management is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take control of their finances and build a solid foundation for their financial future.

Jackie Garren

Former Student and Commercial Banker

Supporting one household is hard enough;
don't take on the burden of two

We love our kids dearly and would do anything for them, but should this come at the cost of our financial stability? According to the Pew Research Center, only 45% of young adults are financially independent from their parents. If kids aren’t taught money management, they'll likely end up relying on either you or their credit cards as adults—because nothing says “adulting” like maxing out a card. Educate your kids about money now to reduce their future financial mistakes and build their resilience—so you can enjoy your retirement without worrying about funding their next “emergency” vacation!

It was an honor to learn from
Dr. Simpson

Her financial lessons and guidance in college and afterwards launched me into the position that I am in today. It was an honor to learn from Dr. Simpson! I owe a majority of my educational and financial success to her and would encourage others to learn from her as well. The next time I’m asked for financial advice, read Mindful and Intentional Money Management will be the words out of my mouth. It’s a win-win!

Marissa Iles

Former Student and Business Owner

Need to hone your own money skills?

Other Cool Anchord Money Products

Mindful & Intentional Money Management: An Unbeatable System to Calm the Chaos book

FREE (just pay shipping)

Creating a Personalized Financial Plan
with lots of bonuses!

Three self-paced online courses guide you step-by-step in setting SMARTER financial goals, developing a mindful spending attitude, and assessing your current financial situation.

You've either been through a divorce or are navigating one right now, and now you're facing the challenge of figuring out your new financial normal. These courses offer practical and useful information that not only teaches you the ropes but also empowers you to take charge.

Financially Empowered: Navigating Divorce & Securing Your Future

$249; NOW ONLY $49.99

The Prosperous Partnership: Empowering
Co-Parents Financially

$249; NOW ONLY $49.99

Linda has demonstrated a unique way of approaching personal financial management

As a professional colleague for nearly a decade, Linda has demonstrated a unique way of approaching personal financial management from a human perspective. She’s been teaching the subject at the university level for quite some time, and is a champion for the subject, creating a financial education center to provide support and expert advice for students. It’s wonderful to see that she’s formally publishing her unique approach to helping others take control of their finances!

Dr. Austin Cheney

Dean, College of Business, Eastern Illinois University

Frequently asked questions ...

What specific topics are covered?

These resources cover financial literacy concepts as well as values, attitudes, and mindsets that influence money management behaviors.

Can this curriculum be adapted for different age groups or learning levels?

That's the beauty of these resources. The lessons and projects are age-appropriate, covering ages 2-18.

How much time will I need to dedicate each month to effectively use the curriculum with my child?

There's not specific amount of time! I teach you how to embed the curriculum into your daily life! The projects and activities can last as long and you want them to.

How does the subscription help build my confidence in teaching financial literacy to my child?

Just talking with your child as you go through the motions while paying bills and spending money teaches them money skills; however, if you aren't confident in your own money skills, I've got your back. Check out my low-cost curriculum called Creating a Personalized Financial Plan ... so you can learn, and then teach!

Will this program guarantee financial success?

While I would love for the answer to be YES, unfortunately, it cannot guarantee your child's financial success. The tools and resources are provided, but it depends on your commitment to teaching the skills and your child applying the information.

How does this curriculum promote long-term financial habits and understanding for my child?

How do you form a habit ... through learning and repetition? YOU are forming your child's money habits right now so this curriculum helps you be more mindful and intentional about teaching them and modeling positive money behaviors.

it's easier than you think

success stories of a few that completed my courses

it saved my marriage!

Finances have always been a significant hurdle in our marriage. Linda helped us not only gain valuable financial literacy but we also discovered effective communication and teamwork skills related to our finances that enhanced our relationship. We developed a realistic budget, cutting unnecessary expenses and prioritizing debt repayment. One thing that we realized, we had never shared our financial goals with each other.

While we both had goals set in our own minds, I guess we just assumed that the other one knew about them. And, these goals were only in our minds, they were not well thought out with an action plan in place. As our financial situation improved, we became more confident and optimistic about our future. We started saving for emergencies and long-term goals. We set specific financial targets and celebrated each milestone that we achieved together, further strengthening our bond as a couple.

tweaks & mindful spending was all it took!

I was skeptical thinking of everything that I would have to do without to make Linda's program work. It was a surprisingly painless process and I found that I just needed to make some tweaks here and there in my money management. When I tracked my expenses, I was shocked at the amount of money that I mindlessly spent on things that I definitely could live without. It was a great workable program for me that I know that I can stick with.